What to Expect

01 — Complete Required Paperwork

You will answer questions regarding your medical health history, including surgeries and all medications. Please note that affirmative answers to certain questions may require additional forms and records from your medical provider in order to successfully qualify for a DOT medical card. We will provide you with the required forms and explain the process to help make the process as easy as possible.

02 — Physical Exam

The physical exam covers different body systems and includes the following:

  1. Height & Weight

  2. Blood Pressure & Pulse Reading

  3. Hearing Test

  4. Vision Test

  5. Urinalysis (not for drug testing purposes)

  6. Heart

  7. Lungs

  8. Back & Spine

  9. Extremities & Joints

  10. Neurological System (including reflexes)

  11. General Wellbeing

03 — Successful Completion

You will receive a printed copy of your new DOT medical card as well as a laminated wallet size for convenience.

04 — Unsuccessful Completion

If you are not medically qualified for a DOT medical card at the end of the exam, we will provide you with the required forms and instructions to help you achieve a DOT medical card. We understand that your employment and livelihood may depend on having a DOT medical card and we don’t take that lightly. Please note that there are federally disqualifying factors.

Common Things That Lead To Failing The DOT Medical Exam

01 — Uncontrolled Blood Pressure

Federal regulations states that a blood pressure > 180/120 is disqualifying. Federal regulations require that the individual’s blood pressure must be below 140/90 without the use of blood pressure medication to receive a 2 year medical card. If individual’s blood pressure is below 140/90 but the individual is on blood pressure medication, the maximum length is 1 year for a medical card.

02 — Uncontrolled Sleep Apnea

If you have a sleep apnea diagnosis, you MUST bring a CPAP compliance summary form showing that a CPAP is being used for > 4 hours per night during 70% of nights since your last medical card was issued. If your last card was issued 1 year ago, we will need a 365 day compliance summary.

03 — Cannabis (Medical and Recreational)

Cannabis use is legal in the state of Vermont, but the Federal government doesn’t recognize it as an acceptable substance. Due to the DOT medical physical exam being a Federal exam, we are required to follow Federal regulations and admitted use of cannabis will result in a failed DOT medical exam.

04 — Uncorrected Vision

Federal regulations require a driver to have 20/40 vision in each individual eye as well as combined vision of 20/40. Glasses/contacts may be worn during the exam.

05 — Uncorrected Hearing

Federal regulations require individual to recognize, in at least 1 ear, a forced whisper from at least 5 feet way or pass an audiometric test. Individual may wear hearing aids during the exam.

06 — Uncontrolled Diabetes

Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus individuals must have form MCSA-5870 completed by their physician attesting that the driver maintains a stable insulin regimen and proper control of diabetes.

07 — Unstable Cardiovascular Conditions

08 — Schedule 1 Drugs

09 — Some Physiological Conditions

These include: active psychosis, use of first Generation Antidepressants, substantially compromised judgment, prominent attentional difficulties, suicidal behavior or ideation, personality disorder that is repeatedly manifested by overt, inappropriate acts, and treatment side effects that interfere with safe driving.

10 — Some Pulmonary Conditions

Federal regulations state that the use of oxygen therapy while driving is disqualifying.